
Water of Leith Cycle Bridge

  • Location
    Dunedin, NZ
  • Client
    Dunedin City Council
  • Architect
    D C Structures Studio
  • Structural Engineer
    Dan Crocker
  • Date
    December 2018

Architectural design.

Our challenge
To design and construct a unique cable stay footbridge.

Our solution
Featuring a 22m tall Y shaped mast, the sustainable, architectural design is what makes The Water of Leith footbridge truly unique. Our team worked hard to ensure the finish was to a high standard and delivered on time.

Products Used

Structural steel


Structural glulam members


Stainless fixings


Stainless handrail and mesh


Galvanised wire ropes

Simon Collie

Client Project Manager

Dunedin City Council

“Edifice worked in a collaborative and open manner throughout the duration of the works and were flexible in their approach in working through challenges and achieving consent requirements at the site.”

“Edifice were the lead Contractor on the $1.4M Water of Leith Bridge in Dunedin. Edifice’s team completed this project to the highest standard to deliver a impressive and stunningly detailed bridge for Dunedin City. I performed the role of Client Project Manager on behalf of Dunedin City Council as an external consultant, and based on my experience working with Edifice I am happy to recommend them for the construction of cycle and pedestrian bridges in NZ. In particular I was impressed with Walter and his team on the ground for their commitment to delivering this Project and their strong attention to detail.”

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